Naymai replied

432 weeks ago

Mercury 50 Hp Outboard Serial Number >

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Mercury 50 Hp Outboard Serial Number

The only friend I have is my best friend and she doesn't even lives like 40 minutes away from me and doesn't go to my school. 50 1984 EL 6448808 - 6586623 7209693 . While it doesn't give the years, Mercnet (also dealer) shows the years that the engine was used. Comment Cancel Post Laddies Banned Join Date: Sep 2004 Posts: 12219 #6 February 4th, 2008, 09:23 AM Re: Serial number > Year on 50hp Mercury The classic fifty name was not use until they rated the engine as a 45HP so everyone would know that it was the old fifty that makes your engine a 1986, 45HP. Suzuki Serial Numbers With Suzuki model numbers, the last letter indicates the year. Sorry if it was a repetative question.

He will barely be remembered at all. Mercury is known as one of the world's leading manufacturers of propulsion engines and outboard motors, and has been among the best in the industry since 1939. Do not take over someone elses topic (aka hijack) with your own question, even if it is similar. Engine Info Directory Outboard Motors Directory Chrysler outboard motors Evinrude outboard motors Force outboard motors Honda outboard motors Johnson outboard motors Mariner outboard motors Mercury outboard motors Nissan outboard motors Suzuki outboard motors Tohatsu outboard motors Yamaha outboard motors Chrysler outboard motors Evinrude outboard motors Force outboard motors Honda outboard motors Johnson outboard motors Mariner outboard motors Mercury outboard motors Nissan outboard motors Suzuki outboard motors Tohatsu outboard motors Yamaha outboard motors Inboard & Sterndrive Engines Directory Chris Craft engines Chrysler inboard engines Crusader marine engines MerCruiser engines OMC marine engines Pleasurecraft marine engines Volvo Penta marine engines More Chris Craft engines Chrysler inboard engines Crusader marine engines MerCruiser engines OMC marine engines Pleasurecraft marine engines Volvo Penta marine engines More . You may not alter or remove any trademark, copyright or other notice from copies of the content.. Part of why he did not serve a second term. Please do not reply to old topics or hijack existing topics.

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last edited 383 weeks ago by Naymai
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